My website will focus on the topic of video games. The main focus will be on how video games are perceived and viewed by people of all ages. This topic is important because technology is becoming our future and with that video games are growing in popularity as well. It is important to understand video games and have the right view and opinion on the subject, for many adults video games are seen as a waste of time and harmful to kids’ mental and physical health. I would like to properly inform my audience about video games and shine a light on the gaming industry showing that they help people instead of hurt. Video games are often misunderstood and seen as negative but in reality, they are quite positive to one’s health and can help them improve both mental and physical health. The sub-topics will focus on the positives and negatives that video games can have on a person, the competition between corporations like Microsoft and Sony, and how that affects its players, as well as the basic requirements to have complete gaming set up. These topics are important to cover because understanding how video games affect people both positively and negatively can also affect one’s view of video games as a whole.
Some questions to think about while reading this proposal
Why are video games important to understand?
How can video games be helpful to one’s overall health?
Who needs to understand the importance of video games?
What aspects of video games help someone’s personal health and wellbeing?
Where do video games fit into a person’s life?
When do video games start to become more of a negative than a positive to a person?
Core Angles/General Stories
There are a lot of stories I could tell regarding the positives and negatives of video games, however, I am considering doing one full story showing the positives gaming has to offer and one full story covering the negatives. I believe by showcasing both sides separately is the proper way to display the information regarding each topic clearly. I would also like to tie both of the topics together and explain the proper way to go about playing video games and watching how much you play each day in order to maintain a positive attitude towards video games and also keep positive mental health
Another story I would like to tell is to do with Microsoft and Sony, the two main companies behind the gaming industry. Their actions and hatred towards each other create a divide in the gaming community and affects how we play with friends. Not being able to play with your friends because you have an Xbox and they have a Ps4/Ps5 sucks and forces them to find other games where they can play together but ruining the experience of gaming. Another big point is having exclusive games to one platform, it forces either the Xbox or Ps5/Ps4 user to either have to go get a new console spending even more money to play a single game or not play it at all and rather watch others which can be boring and frustrating for many players.
The final story or core piece of info has to do with the importance of having a complete gaming setup. This means having the proper controller or mouse & keyboard whatever is preferred, headset, grips, monitors, console, and chair. Having the proper equipment can all affect the experience you have while playing video games if you don’t feel comfortable playing whether it’s your chair, controller it can lead to a bad experience and leave a negative view.
Media Outline
I would like to showcase the positives and negatives in an informative text story with photos. I believe by doing this I can write two short stories one focusing on the positives and one on the negatives. I would also like to tie both of them together in a third story talking about having a good balance between real life and video games. Having a balance between life and video games is important or they start to weigh on one’s mental health and can cause negative effects.
In the audio interview, I would like to talk about the fight between Microsoft and Sony. I believe by doing this I can interview both Xbox and Ps4/Ps5 players to understand why they chose the console they did. This way my audience can hear both sides and have a better understanding of what each console excels at and where it falls flat.
For the investigative video, I will cover the topic regarding the basic gaming necessities. This way I can showcase the different brands and styles of headsets, controllers, mice & keyboards, and other basic needs for efficient and comfortable gaming. I believe doing a video is the best idea because I can show off each brand and what the ups and downs of each are. There is a wide variety of controllers, mice & keyboards, headsets, and much more, being able to show off each brand and style is important to help show the audience the wide variety and the best product for them.
Comments by tyguy